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Old 07-24-2013, 12:08 PM   #1
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Keyboard Shortcuts

While watching one of the videos Ted showed the space bar select shortcut. Are there any other keyboard shortcuts?
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Old 07-24-2013, 02:02 PM   #2
Ted Craven
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That spacebar shortcut was particular to the older RDSS1 and (if it even works in RDSS2) is no longer needed. Here are a few key/mouse shortcuts or operations I can think of:

1. On a horse's PP Panel, select a paceline by left-clicking anywhere on the line (e.g. at the particular column or readout where your eye is looking). No need to only click on the checkbox (at the left side).

2. Select multiple pacelines by Ctrl+left-click.

3. Select a paceline and make that horse a Secondary Contender by right-clicking on the checkbox

4. On the Analysis Panel, remove a line by left-clicking on it, anywhere.

5. On the Analysis Panel, move a line between the Primary and Secondary Contender group by right-clicking on the checkbox.

6. With focus on a horse's PP Panel, left-arrow or right-arrow key moves between horses.

7. With a horse's PP Panel displayed and focus on one of the PP or Analysis Panels (if the Layout is set so the Analysis Panel is displayed below a PP Panel) - Ctrl+left/right arrows moves between the PP or Analysis Tabs for the current horse.

8. On the Original Tab for both the horse and the Analysis Panel, invoke the Projected Pace tool by right-clicking on a 1st call time and 2nd call time (i.e. for Early horses who would be expected to go for the lead).

9. On the Analysis Original Tab, left-click on the Horse Name fragment (underlined in blue, like a link) to switch to that horse's PPs.

10. On the horse's Original Tab, right-click on the Race Id columns (date/race/track) to download the Result Chart for that past paceline (you need the Bundle data plan for this).

12. On the Analysis Panel, you can left-click on the column header of some factor readouts on some Tabs to sort that Tab's display by that column. Currently, the only Analysis Tab where I have built this out is the Analysis PoR Horse (Horse's Pace of Race), and there - only 2 columns: Total Energy and Second Call velocities. I intend to extend that to most columns on most Analysis Tabs.

On the NewPace Tab, by clicking on the column headers (i.e. where mouse pointer changes to a 'hand') you can sort on Program #, ES% (Early Speed %), RegSort Low, RegSort High, Early ranks, Late Ranks.

13. Card Summary screen - left click on a race # (left column to assemble and open that race). For already assembled races (which appear in blue) you can re-assemble a single race (e.g. if you change Configuration Settings) by right-clicking that same race number column. (Remember, after you first assemble a race, when you wish to return to that race in either the current or a subsequent session of RDSS, the previously calculated factors and PPs are simply and quickly drawn from the Cache; to change the calculations with changed Config Settings, you have to re-assemble it).

14. Card Summary screen - change the surface or distance by right-clicking on either the distance or surface columns (opens the Change Surface/Distance dialog).

15. Data Centre - after Displaying Available Cards, you can use Ctrl+left-click to open the Equibase Entries webpage for that card (free) to see the complete Entries for that card (e.g. before you consider purchasing it). You can then see race entrants, distances, race conditions and off times. You can also check (if you're not sure), whether for some tracks the card is a 'real' card or something simulcast from South America which RDSS cannot handle (sometimes, Laurel, Calder, others).

16. Data Centre - in the Database box, lower right, left-click to open the Database Mgmt Tool (e.g. to switch databases).

17. To hide/unhide the Sidebar showing Race Cards by Date and other collections (left-edge of the RDSS window display), left-click the little red arrow to the left of the top-row RDSS Desktop Tab.

There may indeed be a few more and if I think of them, I'll add them here. As a general concept and rule:

1. on the PP and Analysis Panels, left-clicking anywhere on a line selects or deselects that line

2. right-clicking is intended to to perform special - non-selection - operations on a specific column of info. You'll notice if you right-click on most columns, you get a dumb-looking message box saying there are no right-click actions yet for that particular column. This is for future development

Also, there are many columns or data points or buttons where if you hover your mouse, a popup Tooltip sometimes appears with help info about what it is and what you can do with it. Again, this is for further completion and build-out.

Whew! Good thing you asked about this - this was a good opportunity to document these things (which mostly originally appeared in the various Release Notes documentation) - all in one place.

Anything else you read or heard, or are curious about re shortcuts or keyboard/mouse ops - just fire away!


Racing Decision Support System™
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Old 07-24-2013, 02:59 PM   #3
Grade 1
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Location: Cleveland, Ohio
Posts: 624
Gee-wiz Ted - I almost feel bad about asking - that's a lot of typing!

Thanks though - great info.
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