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Hat Check - How Can We Help You? Jim 'The Hat' Bradshaw - Learn The Matchup

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Old 08-12-2008, 09:49 AM   #1
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When it goes bad

Ok so all of a sudden your matching goes south. I mean the word struggle is an understatement. What can I do to recover?

What follows are things Hat would ask me in no particular order ok? See if some of them provide answers or possible clues for YOU:

1) Have you been playing too much? Night and day or every day? It's too much Rich you need to get away from it. Plus it is very lonely when you are doing it right. That is how it has to be.

2) When are you working races Rich? When were you working the races when you were going good? Have times changed? If yes WHY?

3) Are you able to FOCUS properly and quiet your mind? Are there distractions (mental, physical, family problems ,health etc) keeping you from peaceful thoughts?

Not one of the things listed above has anything to do with the matching up of a horse. Not one.

Do NOT be tempted to work your way out of it by working on your matching techniques. Using Jim "The Hat" Bradshaw's Matchup Concepts the TRUE answer lies elsewhere.

To turn things around the quiet mind and quiet surroundings MUST be present come matching time. Period. This allows pattern recognition and the ability to have your Mind's Eye (that little voice inside that speaks to us) alert you to both good and bad things it is "seeing".

Very simple to say yet extremely difficult at times to make happen.

Let me share with you an exercise Hat gave to me. It is effective and deals most importantly with quieting the mind and then some positive reinforced matching techniques.
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Old 08-12-2008, 10:33 AM   #2
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Here is a link to a page from Jim's website. If you access it through Internet Explorer browser you will hear a very soothing Cherokee healing chant begin to play.

OK playing it very low in volume sit quietly in front of your computer or wherever you are listening to it from. If after a few seconds you find yourself starting to fidget about or saying stuff to yourself like "what is this"?


You are mentally NOT ready to proceed. Ask me how I know. Shut down and try again later on or another day. I'm VERY serious.

When you start listening and find your mind just wanting to relax and enjoy the sounds without all the fussing, fidgeting etc this is what I want you to do:

Have past performances of THREE races that you have won handy. You know the winner of the race because you BET him. One of the bright spots during this bad run we want to turn around ok?

Refresh Hat's page so it plays from the start. As it begins playing SOFTLY (almost in the back round like) open the past performances of your first winning race. Scroll the pp's very slowly going through the whole field. Relax, listen to the soft chanting and nature sounds going on around you. Now go to the horse that WON the race. Just let your "Mind's Eye" see it's past performances in their totality ok? Do NOT tell it to "do anything".

You are showing it success.

You are showing it winning patterns.

You are showing it a peaceful meditative like surrounding with the soft healing chant playing in the background.

You are showing it a BLUEPRINT for SUCCESS.

Repeat the above process now using the 2nd winning race. Do this ONLY if this second time through you feel the same way as before. Relaxed, able to listen and accept the music quietly. If anything changes regarding that (and they WILL at times) STOP. You are done for the session. Trust me please.

If things still feel peaceful show your mind that 2nd winning race and then stop for that session. 2 winning race experiences and accompanying music should last about 6-10 minutes ok?

You have shown it a blueprint for success and then a reinforcing example. It WILL remember and REMIND you of this later on when you are working races LIVE.

Day 2 try and achieve this state again. When you do now show it your THIRD winning experience. Again just let it take everything in.

For something to really help you one has to believe that the steps being done will really work. Now we get to each matcher and his core beliefs so I stop please.

1) The Quiet almost meditative like Mind's Eye.
2) The looking back ONLY at WINNING race experiences.
3) ACTING on one's FIRST impression or thought that comes when working races.

These are Jim "The Hat" Bradshaw's Matchup Concepts.

Last edited by RichieP; 08-12-2008 at 10:35 AM.
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Old 08-12-2008, 11:44 AM   #3
barb craven
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Good morning Rich.

I find your approach is very familiar and right on. You have to visualise success or anything else you want in order for it to happen, I tried the link to Jim's website through Internet Explorer but can't get any sounds. Any suggestions?

Ella was good this morning.

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Old 08-12-2008, 12:05 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by barb craven View Post
Good morning Rich.

I find your approach is very familiar and right on. You have to visualise success or anything else you want in order for it to happen, I tried the link to Jim's website through Internet Explorer but can't get any sounds. Any suggestions?

Ella was good this morning.

Hi Barb!

Ok I think I found the problem.

Please go here first:

You should hear a real cool chant when that page comes on. Scroll down where you see "Select Journey". use the dropdown arrow and then select "healing energies and poems".

That will bring you to the page I want you to hear ok? Played real low with a headset on it goes right through you to your soul when your surroundings are quiet.

I hope this helps.
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Old 08-12-2008, 05:34 PM   #5
Jonathan Steele
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"Ok so all of a sudden your matching goes south. I mean the word struggle is an understatement. What can I do to recover?"

Rich, you have to THEN take a break to refresh your mind and REGAIN your confidence. You CANNOT handicap properly when you are frustrated, etc.

All the best,


*** Yes you are 100% right Jon. Hat would often tell me to "get away for a while" ** Richie
"Free your mind and the profits will follow."

Last edited by RichieP; 08-12-2008 at 06:57 PM.
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Old 08-12-2008, 07:46 PM   #6
barb craven
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Sorry Rich;

I'm still not getting sound. I've tried it on both my computers and nothing but beautiful pictures and poems...no sound. Any more suggestions?

In any case, thanks for the site.


** Morning Barb. Let me look into this. This forum is moderated so if you don't see your post come up right away that's fine ok? Soon as I see something here I approve it. I hope you have a great day!** Richie

Last edited by RichieP; 08-13-2008 at 05:17 AM.
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Old 08-13-2008, 09:53 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by barb craven View Post
Sorry Rich;

I'm still not getting sound. I've tried it on both my computers and nothing but beautiful pictures and poems...no sound. Any more suggestions?

Hi, Barb. When I first tried to play the chants in FireFox the page would come up fine, but there was no sound. I asked Jim about this, and he said he wrote his page specifically for Internet Explorer. He said he really didn't know anything about FireFox at the time. So if you want to hear them you have to use IE.

That being said here are a couple of things you can try.

Bring up IE and at the top on the toolbar click on Tools>Internet options>Advanced>Then scroll down to where it says Multimedia. You'll find a check box next to "play sounds in web pages." Make sure that is checked.

Restart IE and try again. If that doesn't work go back to the same place but this time at the bottom of the window click on "restore advanced settings." Wait for the settings to take effect, then click on apply. Reboot your computer and try again.

If that doesn't work try the following in XP. I'm not sure if it looks the same in Vista, but it should be similar.

1. Click Start>Control Panel.
2. Click Sounds>Speech and Audio Devices and then>Sounds and Audio Devices.
3. Click the Sounds tab.
4. In the Program events list, scroll down and find Windows Explorer.
5. Under Windows Explorer find "Complete Navigation" and highlight it. Underneath the box you'll see a text box with a down arrow. Click on the down arrow and a list of options will come up. Find the option that says set "notify.wav" (It might just say Notify.) Select that and then scroll down to: Start Navigation. Set the "sounds" for this to "Windows XP Start.wav" (This will probably say Windows XP Start)
7. Click on apply, then click OK.

Make sure that your PC audio is working and volume controls on the PC and speakers are set properly.

8. Reboot your computer and try again.

Hopefully, this will fix your problem.

Let me know if it doesn't work, there is one more thing we can try.


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Old 08-13-2008, 03:22 PM   #8
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I have two computers. One has IE6 and the other has IE7. Neither one is able to pickup the sounds for the "poems" on page 1. However page 2 is working all OK.

Hope this helps.


** Hi Buzz. The one listed on page 1 is the one I want folks to hear and strongly consider using. Dag nab it.
** Richie

Last edited by RichieP; 08-13-2008 at 03:27 PM.
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Old 08-13-2008, 10:38 PM   #9
barb craven
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Hi Steve,

EI is already set to play sounds in web pages. I changed settings on the xp following your instructions. Thanks for trying, but still no luck. My speakers are good and come on automatically when there is sound on Vista laptop and xp's are on all the time.

Vista's control panel is so different I'll have to wait until Ted gets back and see if he can navigate me through it.

You said there was one more thing we could try.

Thanks for the trouble.


I hope we get it working Rich.
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Old 08-14-2008, 10:26 AM   #10
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Barb, the other thing I was going to have you try was to uninstall and then reinstall Adobe Flash Player and Active X control.

I had to do this when I couldn't get sound from YouTube videos. Sometimes it gets corrupted.

I don't know if this is your problem, but there is a chance it could be. Your problem is kind of perplexing, because it is happening on two separate computers. That's very strange. I get sound just fine opening the web pages with Internet Explorer.

If you could get sound in the past, but you can't now, perhaps a system restore is in order. Ted can help you with that.

If you want to give it a shot here are the links for instructions on uninstalling and then reinstalling Adobe Flash.

You might have to reboot after you've completed the process.

Hope it helps.


How to uninstall the Adobe Flash Player plug-in and ActiveX control

Adobe Flash Player Download Center - Windows

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