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RDSS2 / FAQ's Information, discussion, screenshots, videos about the upcoming version, FAQ's

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Old 12-15-2015, 11:47 AM   #11
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Ted is a topnotch person, topnotch developer (RDSS2), topnotch teacher and communicator.

If you’re looking to handicap using the Sartin Methodology you couldn’t ask for a better program. Screens: BL/BL has it all on one tab, Energy, POH, POR, Segments, it’s all there. RDSS2 makes pace line section easier!

When it comes to the Matchup this program is Great! Working what you determine to be 1st, and 2nd call fraction, and final time, than comparing those fractions to today’s runners is so much easier with RDSS2. Then you have the Tandem races (Matchup Tab) with one click of the mouse.

I would recommend this program and website for anyone who is serious about learning the teaching of the methodology. Ted and Bill do a great job and the contributions from the members are second to none.

Thanks to everyone who contribute to Pace and Cap!

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Old 12-15-2015, 04:13 PM   #12
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I can't say enough good things about RDSS and Ted, both are at the top of the my list.
The ease of use and support are outstanding. Each handicapper can make this product their own. So many ways to dissect a race at your option. Color coding makes those who like Jim Bradshaw's Match Up a breeze to find contenders. I believe others outside the Sartin Methodology would find this tool to be useful.

Continued success Ted,
"There is something about the outside of a horse
that is good for the inside of a man"
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Old 12-21-2015, 09:40 AM   #13
Ted Craven
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From Bill S (Bensalem, PA)

It’s been a heck of a year with RDSS, and there were several times I just felt like throwing it all away and giving up, but I hung in there
and now things are starting to happen. After about a year of playing Penn National almost every night, I have finally come to understand
what Dr Sartin means about “lines looming off the page”… They don’t actually “loom” up for me…but I can “see’ or “feel” the most appropriate
lines now…hard to explain…..but that skill comes with experience. Nothing you can read or study will give it to you,…you have to go in there
day after day pounding until it clicks, just like Dr Sartin said. Also he was right about most of the answers to your questions are in The Followups, they are, but not easy to find…you never know when he’s going to let loose with a gem, so you have to read them in their entirety.

I also study and read a lot when I'm not actually handicapping. I understand the methodology much better now, to include wagercapping.
My biggest problems are psychological now and I have to overcome those, like letting the fear of losing cloud my judgement. Lots of stuff Dr Sartin says
makes no sense whatsoever and defies logic, but it works! When I didn’t follow his instructions I lost, but when I started following it I began to win… so now I listen
to what he says very carefully. I’m also a firm believer now in keeping records. In the early days I discounted that, but now I see the power of keeping records.
If I don’t have records for a track i don’t wager until I have them, at least a track profile to start out with. Records are important…another thing I learned the hard way...

Anyway, RDSS is the key that lets this all happen…there is no way I could do these calculations by hand. I’d be lucky to handicap one race a day doing that.
I think RDSS’s power comes from it’s simplicity and purity, …it's a classic information system…it takes raw data and transforms it into useful information, and it does it well.

Let me tell you something, playing Penn National day after day is a challenge. I play that because I work during the day
and can’t play day tracks, so i picked Penn National as my proving grounds. A $25K optional claimer is a big time race at
that track, plus you have shippers coming in from all over. Similar to Mountaineer. Playing one track is good for learning though.
By keeping track profiles I have seen all kinds of things happen there with biases. Actually differences in energy
distribution from one distance to another, like 5.5 to 6.0, or 1M to 1.70. Unbelievable the variations that occur with just a
small change in distance. Later you see these biases flip, now horses are winning with completely opposite energy distribution
than they did a few weeks ago. Like all summer horses at Penn were winning with early energy at 6.0F on the dirt, and now
that the weather has cooled down, they are winning at 6.0F with late energy. Why this is I don’t really know yet, but seeing these
patterns within the profiles and models is what gives you the edge over the rest of the crowd. This is why record keeping is indispensable.

... I think it’s fair to say I think your short changing yourself Ted. RDSS is worth much more than $100 a year. I think $200-$250 would be more like it, and I’d pay
that amount happily. I do have personal reasons for suggesting this also. As a user of this product, I would like to see your income stream as the developer increase to a point were you were able to justify spending more time on it, in other words making it a more profitable product for you, and a more refined product for me, not that it’s not that now, I’m sure you get my point. Also a price increase would be very fair and justified at this point. RDSS was $100 five years ago when I first used it. Still $100 today….

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Old 12-26-2015, 02:40 PM   #14
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Thank you Ted

I consider myself a born skeptic. But I am an unabashed fan of RDSS. It takes you right to the core issue-pace and allows you to see the important factors clearly (color is huge help). As a psychiatrist-therapist I regularly say to my patients "I am giving you tools and will help you use them and if we are successful you won't need me." Ted has done that for all of us and made himself available readily to sharpen those tools. In addition the library of reading material is an unmatched treasure trove of info. Many many thanks
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Old 12-30-2015, 03:59 AM   #15
peter e
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Finishing my first year using RDSS.
I have always believed that pace line selection is the key to success and the tools in RDSS for confirming or tossing a pace line are excellent.
The colored readouts, Energy, TPR, the Segments screen, all make getting to the heart of a race easier than I had hoped for.
Looking forward to my second year with RDSS.
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Old 12-30-2015, 12:48 PM   #16
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Without question the origination , tools offered and the support by Ted in his continued upgrades of RDSS , are the best .

Thanks Ted .................. Vanoy
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Old 12-31-2015, 10:38 AM   #17
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I am compelled to say that I have not tried any other software. However, I am not looking at any other software either.

I look at it all as much more than the software itself. It is the portal to Sartin Methodology.

There is a vast library of books, manuals, follow ups, seminar videos/audios/workbooks.

The forums are full of informative and practical posts that are presented with a spirit of support and encouragement.

My interactions with Ted have left me with full faith that he actually cares about his product and wants people to be successful. I’m sure he could charge more, provide less, and be inaccessible.

Also, I have had cause to call TrackMaster support once. Painless experience, issue was taken care of immediately.
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Old 01-25-2016, 10:46 PM   #18
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I’m in my second year with RDSS2 and has been a very pleasant experience. I have tried other programs and some “systems” but none so far has been so accurate in the selection of real contenders. I play mostly in the local racetrack in Puerto Rico (Camarero Racetrack) and the results has been very good most of the time. My problem here is that not many races are populated enough so I get many low odds favorites, so I can’t always receive the benefit of my work and the accurate selections of the RDSS2. I have the opportunity to play some US racetracks as we receive with the local racetrack programs some simulcast from some good racetrack. Sadly there are few, they group them before and after the local races and usually intermix races from different racetracks, making very difficult for us, who has a full time jobs to play them. I’m still learning to use the program at its full capacity and looking forward for the updates. Keep the good work Ted.

Best Regards to all
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Old 03-31-2016, 02:14 PM   #19
Ted Craven
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To Ted Craven, Bill V and the staff -

Thank you very much! Going to the track tonight at CT. Absolutely LOVE RDSS. Made several thousand dollars this past weekend. I couldn't have done it without Pace and Cap. I take no credit. Many good things in life are a product of somebody's hard work, blood sweat and tears over the years setting the foundation for others. The knowledge, computer science and math behind RDSS, I couldn't explain it to anyone else if I tried. Besides, many players are handicapped by myths and beliefs that simply are not true and sadly they don't want to learn. So Thanks a million for everything. Tonight, I will drink a toast to Pace and Cap and all the men of yesteryear and today who made it all possible: Doc Sartin, Jim Bradshaw, Cramer, Mitchell, Brohamer, Mahl, Quinn, Schmidt and many more.

I think the greatest concepts in RDSS are VDC, POH, and the Matchup. FW and LPR, TSF3 in route races. I've read a lot of handicapping books over the years and when RDSS came along, it was a collection of all the finer concepts in a computer program. The Match Up is unbelievable, to explain the concept is one thing, but to have it on a computer screen is absolutely awesome with the work done for you. Reading the Follow ups, I just shake my head at the knowledge presented. The time and effort put in to developing these concepts is beyond words.

Many horse players try to woo me into giving them my picks and I kindly decline. I have paid my dues and sometimes I would like to ask them: (Where were you when I lost? Did you console me?). I wish many would take the time and learn the sport and it would pay off for them in time. But like anything in life, nothing is free, you have to work hard for it.

So when I say thank you, it is heartfelt. Thank you to the professional handicappers of days gone by who laid down the foundation for future players and thank you Mr. Craven for all your hard work. Many times in life we don't take the time to thank our mentors, so I want you to know I appreciate what you are doing for the horse players of the future. Thanks to Ritchie P, Bill V, For The Lead, and Rmath for their valuable insight. Good Luck to you and Barbara and to all your future endeavors. Never give up!

Ray C.
All I can say is ... I am so grateful to be a part of all this. I echo your sentiments 100%. The 'toast' is returned to you, sir!

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Old 03-31-2016, 04:51 PM   #20
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I'm happy to add my voice of praise to the many who have responded with glowing testimonials about RDSS and especially about Ted.

I have been involved with Howard Sartin since first reading about him while doing research on the deficiencies of the medical model applied to gambling. (I'm a professor and thinking about complex problems is nothing new.) Howard put it all to rest when he said that the problem with "problem gamblers" wasn't gambling, it was losing and the "cure" for losing was winning. That cut a Gordian knot for me and I had to know more about the guy. When I started betting on horses in the late 1980's I first contacted PIRCO and got a hand-written note back from Howard welcoming me to the group. I read the material voraciously, listened to the tapes of the workshops, tried out some of the programs and it all improved my bottom line. I spent some time on the phone with Jim Bradshaw and could not believe how patient and helpful he was with such a newcomer. Later when I found out that Howard was sick my heart went out to him and, like others, I wondered what would happen with his organization. Imagine my delight when I found out about RDSS and saw that it had the imprimatur of Howard in the form of Ted Craven.

RDSS was a dream come true. It automated so many things that were tedious and time-consuming in "Energy," "The Matchup" and "Phase I." No more typing in fractions and beaten lengths. I had died and gone to handicapping heaven! And the winners just kept coming.

Three things impress me about RDSS. 1) the program itself as I've said; 2) Ted Craven, one of the most honest and ethical people I've ever known (as others have pointed out) and 3) the people who post on PACE 'n CAP. They are singularly supportive and helpful. I've been on other horse-racing forums before discovering PACE 'n CAP and they often sound more like a faculty meeting---full of criticism, vitriol, Talmudic disputes about nothing, and contempt for each other instead of the quiet, reasonable and all-for-one spirit that characterizes our board. My sense is that it all comes from the character and fundamental goodness of Ted Craven.

The customer service at RDSS is absolutely first rate. I found this out on many occasions, but especially one Saturday morning last fall when suddenly I couldn't get my Trackmaster RDSS files to load into my laptop. I was in a panic. Ted quickly straightened it out (does the guy ever sleep?) and I realized for the first time why I was in a panic. Because it dawned on me that I am now officially incapable of handicapping without RDSS!

Thank you, Ted for this beautiful program, for keeping it all going, and for just being you.

Last edited by Lasix1; 03-31-2016 at 04:55 PM. Reason: small mistakes
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