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Old 01-02-2012, 09:05 AM   #1
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Matcher's Forum participants only - Feedback Request!

Good morning,
Please help me.

If you have posted in THIS forum can you please provide the following info:
1) Do you matchup using only raw pps?

2) Do you use software to help you match?

3) Do you project a pace? If so how?

4) Do you follow Hat's 5 step approach?

5) Do you work 1 or 2 tracks at most or do you multi-track looking for plays?

6) Do you set days back restrictions on how far back in the pps to go looking to evaluate runners(if yes how many please)? Do you consider the ENTIRE pps of the horse?

7) Do you focus and evaluate the horse coming out of the FPLR(fastest pace last race) in EVERY race worked? Do you know how to find the FPLR?

8) Do you have a SURFACE preference(dirt,poly,turf) and or distance structure (sprint,route) that you focus on when matching races?

9) Do you "SPOT PLAY" certain race types?

10) Do you "pick" a winner then stick with him as the ONLY consideration or do you get a final "mix" of 2-3 contenders and look for value to make a WIN bet?

11) With "E" runners do you pay attention to those who are "FIGHTERS"?

12) Do you keep records of ANY kind beside wagering ones? If yes which ones please

13) How much time a week do you devote to matching races? Approximate

14) Do you break down a race into "Early" or "Other than Early" groupings?

In advance I want to really THANK those who take the time out of their day to answer my questions completely.

"Grampy I'm talking to you!"
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Old 01-02-2012, 11:28 AM   #2
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Good morning,
Please help me.

If you have posted in THIS forum can you please provide the following info:
First off, let me wish you and your loved ones a healthy, happy and prosperous new year.

1) Do you matchup using only raw pps?

I prefer adjusting the figures or letting the software of my choice adjust the figures.

2) Do you use software to help you match?

Yes, I use PaceAppraiser, MPH or Synergism

3) Do you project a pace? If so how?

Yes, MPH software will tell me if the race will project a fast or slow pace. I use pace multipliers with the MPH pace projection.
PaceAppraiser tells me what type of running style is favored.

4) Do you follow Hat's 5 step approach?


5) Do you work 1 or 2 tracks at most or do you multi-track looking for plays?

Normally, one track and sometimes 2 when I feel energetic.

6) Do you set days back restrictions on how far back in the pps to go looking to evaluate runners(if yes how many please)? Do you consider the ENTIRE pps of the horse?

Normally, I go back 3 pacelines within 90 days but will make exceptions to this.

7) Do you focus and evaluate the horse coming out of the FPLR(fastest pace last race) in EVERY race worked? Do you know how to find the FPLR?

I consider it with PaceAppraiser which offers a Pace Figure and Pace Velocity rating for each race shown in the past performances.

8) Do you have a SURFACE preference(dirt,poly,turf) and or distance structure (sprint,route) that you focus on when matching races?

No, but I do feel sprints are much easier to handicap

9) Do you "SPOT PLAY" certain race types?


10) Do you "pick" a winner then stick with him as the ONLY consideration or do you get a final "mix" of 2-3 contenders and look for value to make a WIN bet?

I prefer to narrow down my selections to just one horse to win and bet it if the odds offer what I consider to be value.

11) With "E" runners do you pay attention to those who are "FIGHTERS"?


12) Do you keep records of ANY kind beside wagering ones? If yes which ones please

Not really because BRIS tells me what I need to know but I have been considering a piece of software called "Bettor Keep Track" offered
by Gordon Pine

13) How much time a week do you devote to matching races? Approximate

Probably 2 or 3 hours a day when I'm actively playing.

14) Do you break down a race into "Early" or "Other than Early" groupings?

I break down a race by Early or Late and use my MPH pace projection to tell me this.
PaceAppraiser tells me the running style that is favored for a particular race.
Hopefully, my answers to your questions have been helpful.

Last edited by partsnut; 01-02-2012 at 11:33 AM.
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Old 01-02-2012, 11:53 AM   #3
Bill V.
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Good morning,
Please help me.

If you have posted in THIS forum can you please provide the following info:
1) Do you matchup using only raw pps?
2) Do you use software to help you match?
3) Do you project a pace? If so how?
Yes eyeball
4) Do you follow Hat's 5 step approach?
5) Do you work 1 or 2 tracks at most or do you multi-track looking for plays?
1-2 only work others when asked
6) Do you set days back restrictions on how far back in the pps to go looking to evaluate runners(if yes how many please)? Do you consider the ENTIRE pps of the horse?
Yes But no comment on the how many question as Nobody can tell me whats right or wrong except me myself and I - Entire ? No

7) Do you focus and evaluate the horse coming out of the FPLR(fastest pace last race) in EVERY race worked? Do you know how to find the FPLR?
Yes - No

8) Do you have a SURFACE preference(dirt,poly,turf) and or distance structure (sprint,route) that you focus on when matching races?
Anything under 5.5 and over 10 is a hot dog race
9) Do you "SPOT PLAY" certain race types?

10) Do you "pick" a winner then stick with him as the ONLY consideration or do you get a final "mix" of 2-3 contenders and look for value to make a WIN bet? I get down to two winners

11) With "E" runners do you pay attention to those who are "FIGHTERS"?
No my fighters are usually out of training or tomato cans
12) Do you keep records of ANY kind beside wagering ones? If yes which ones please

13) How much time a week do you devote to matching races? Approximate
As long as it takes me to do the races you post otherwise not at all
14) Do you break down a race into "Early" or "Other than Early" groupings?

Last edited by Bill V.; 01-02-2012 at 11:56 AM.
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Old 01-02-2012, 12:15 PM   #4
alydar_ David
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1) Do you matchup using only raw pps?


2) Do you use software to help you match?

Yes, but sometimes I do it just by eye.

3) Do you project a pace? If so how?

Yes, using Synergism. Otherwise I kind of guess at it.

4) Do you follow Hat's 5 step approach?

No. Lord knows I've tried, but I can't get a handle on it. My hat goes off to those that do. I follow his principles the best as I can, but that's not my forte.

5) Do you work 1 or 2 tracks at most or do you multi-track looking for plays?

Multi-track, betting almost every race if I can get the odds I need.

6) Do you set days back restrictions on how far back in the pps to go looking to evaluate runners(if yes how many please)?


Do you consider the ENTIRE pps of the horse?

I consider the horse's entire career when available, not just the last 10 or 12 races.

7) Do you focus and evaluate the horse coming out of the FPLR(fastest pace last race) in EVERY race worked?


Do you know how to find the FPLR?

Good question. We've seen several people suggest different FPLR definitions. What is *your* definition of FPLR, Richie?

8) Do you have a SURFACE preference(dirt,poly,turf) and or distance structure (sprint,route) that you focus on when matching races?

The best bets are on the grass. For those I prefer routes. For dirt I prefer sprints, with 6F being my favorite distance. I may have artifical surfaces figured out before the Mayan calendar ends, but I wouldn't count on it.

9) Do you "SPOT PLAY" certain race types?


10) Do you "pick" a winner then stick with him as the ONLY consideration or do you get a final "mix" of 2-3 contenders and look for value to make a WIN bet?

I look for value, but sometimes 4-1 can be a huge overlay. Value doesn't have to be a longshot.

11) With "E" runners do you pay attention to those who are "FIGHTERS"?


12) Do you keep records of ANY kind beside wagering ones? If yes which ones please

Yes. Track models. I also have access to just about every bit of statistical data there is.

13) How much time a week do you devote to matching races? Approximate


14) Do you break down a race into "Early" or "Other than Early" groupings?

Kind of, but I don't necessarily label them as such. It's more of a gestalt view I see instantly.
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Old 01-02-2012, 02:47 PM   #5
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1) Do you matchup using only raw pps?

2) Do you use software to help you match?

3) Do you project a pace? If so how?
I look at a recent line, similar track/surface/distance, preferably the last line, where one of my early horses was on the lead.

In a race with no earlies, I will either use FPLR, or the pace from a horse who was up-close at 1C and 2C.

4) Do you follow Hat's 5 step approach?
If I am matching a race thoroughly then yes I do. If I am quickly looking for spot plays, I may not follow it all the way through.

5) Do you work 1 or 2 tracks at most or do you multi-track looking for plays?
I usually match the full card for two tracks. At times I will also look for spot plays at other tracks.

6) Do you set days back restrictions on how far back in the pps to go looking to evaluate runners(if yes how many please)? Do you consider the ENTIRE pps of the horse?
I am not strict about this, although at times I may eliminate a horse because of a layoff. I am open to considering all the PP’s for a horse when the recent races justify it.

7) Do you focus and evaluate the horse coming out of the FPLR(fastest pace last race) in EVERY race worked? Do you know how to find the FPLR?Yes, although I tend to drift away from this at times until I usually miss something and get back on track.

8) Do you have a SURFACE preference(dirt,poly,turf) and or distance structure (sprint,route) that you focus on when matching races?
In general I prefer dirt to poly, but I feel comfortable enough with poly at GG, HOL and to some extent DMR. I love turf races too. I might have a slight preference to sprints, but not a huge one.

9) Do you "SPOT PLAY" certain race types?
Yes. Mostly the ones you’ve taught here Rich. I also occasionally find a sprint to route spot play from the Match-Up book.

10) Do you "pick" a winner then stick with him as the ONLY consideration or do you get a final "mix" of 2-3 contenders and look for value to make a WIN bet?
When I actually bet match-up races it is a single horse only.

11) With "E" runners do you pay attention to those who are "FIGHTERS"?
Absolutely yes!

12) Do you keep records of ANY kind beside wagering ones? If yes which ones please
I just keep win rates of my picks and bets by spot play category.

13) How much time a week do you devote to matching races? Approximate
Of actually matching races, I'd guess I'm in the 4 to 6 hour range per week.

14) Do you break down a race into "Early" or "Other than Early" groupings?
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Old 01-02-2012, 05:52 PM   #6
Seven Furlongs
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1) Do you matchup using only raw pps?

Yes, I use whatever pps are posted in the match-up thread.

2) Do you use software to help you match?

No, but sometimes I would go to equibase to check a horse's workouts to get a sense of form if a layoff has ensued.

3) Do you project a pace? If so how?

Find the best/fastest early horse. If the race is paceless, I make a guesstimate based on the best presser or some horse that has had a sniff of open air in front of them on the lead.

4) Do you follow Hat's 5 step approach?

Yes and no. I am a novice, so to go through all 5 steps can be laborious and a bit draining. With time the execution of the steps will be shorter, I hope.

5) Do you work 1 or 2 tracks at most or do you multi-track looking for plays?

1 or 2 tracks.

6) Do you set days back restrictions on how far back in the pps to go looking to evaluate runners(if yes how many please)? Do you consider the ENTIRE pps of the horse?

I consider the entire pps. I use form as a means to deterimine how far back I can go.

7) Do you focus and evaluate the horse coming out of the FPLR(fastest pace last race) in EVERY race worked? Do you know how to find the FPLR?

I try and find the fastest pace of the last race, but sometimes it can be less than useful if the horse finished 9th 27 lengths back.

8) Do you have a SURFACE preference(dirt,poly,turf) and or distance structure (sprint,route) that you focus on when matching races?

I find sprints easier to handicap. Turf is fun, but a bit difficult handicap for me, being a novice of sorts.

9) Do you "SPOT PLAY" certain race types?

No, I don't due to not having a great amount of experience to draw upon. My quiver for spot play arrows is non-existent.

10) Do you "pick" a winner then stick with him as the ONLY consideration or do you get a final "mix" of 2-3 contenders and look for value to make a WIN bet?

I look for a mix of 2 to 3 viable horses. Sometimes I can get it down to just 1, in which case I feel like I've achieved something.

11) With "E" runners do you pay attention to those who are "FIGHTERS"?

Yes I do.

12) Do you keep records of ANY kind beside wagering ones? If yes which ones please

Just records of the wagering kind.

13) How much time a week do you devote to matching races? Approximate

Of the one time I did a card straight Bradshaw match-up it took me about 2 hours to do 6 races. A few of the races seemed easy, others were difficult.

14) Do you break down a race into "Early" or "Other than Early" groupings?

Yes and no. My sense or problem with the designations is that if you do not have somewhat of an understanding of race shapes, then making these designations may be of small use. I mean if you have two contenders to choose, one from each camp, then how would you decide which will win? My sense is that a better understanding of race shapes will help understand why the race got to where it has in the evaluation and also to determine which of the two should be chosen.

Because of this, I have decided to take a small break to study race shapes in order to better profit from the exercise of labelling horses as early or other than early.

Last edited by Seven Furlongs; 01-02-2012 at 05:54 PM.
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Old 01-03-2012, 10:27 AM   #7
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My take...

1) Do you matchup using only raw pps? Yes, but i do look at abnormal track variants

2) Do you use software to help you match? No

3) Do you project a pace? If so how? Yes.. From the " TRUE " early horse or horses

4) Do you follow Hat's 5 step approach? Somewhat

5) Do you work 1 or 2 tracks at most or do you multi-track looking for plays? Concentrate on 1 or 2 will be to your advantage

6) Do you set days back restrictions on how far back in the pps to go looking to evaluate runners(if yes how many please)? Do you consider the ENTIRE pps of the horse? 90 days limit

7) Do you focus and evaluate the horse coming out of the FPLR(fastest pace last race) in EVERY race worked? Do you know how to find the FPLR? I know the term but I give it the same evaluation as the rest of my handicapping

8) Do you have a SURFACE preference(dirt,poly,turf) and or distance structure (sprint,route) that you focus on when matching races? I prefer dirt sprints

9) Do you "SPOT PLAY" certain race types? No

10) Do you "pick" a winner then stick with him as the ONLY consideration or do you get a final "mix" of 2-3 contenders and look for value to make a WIN bet? Win ONLY

11) With "E" runners do you pay attention to those who are "FIGHTERS"? No

12) Do you keep records of ANY kind beside wagering ones? If yes which ones please. Modeling running styles/class-distance is very important

13) How much time a week do you devote to matching races? Approximate
each race handicapped needs to be matched in one way or another

14) Do you break down a race into "Early" or "Other than Early" groupings?
Never bet a favorite doing something for the first time-Harvey Pack
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Old 01-03-2012, 02:30 PM   #8
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happy new year richie:

my feedback:
1.only raw pp's,with some manual adjustments
2. no software.
3.yes I project a pace using the fastest first call lead fastest 2nd call off the first call and the fastest final off the first two.
4.yes. mostly follow the 5 step.
5. I work 2 tracks generally.
6.entire PP's except if there is a one year gap.
7.I look carefully at the fastest last pace if it is a dream( within 5 lengths at all calls). I compare fraction by fraction with the paceline for horses close to the pace.
8.no surface preference or distance preference, but I am careful not to use lines at suspect distances .(for sprints, as an example, I am reluctant to use 5f and 5.5f lines)
9.yes, spot plays of my own making.
10.I look for price in top 3 contenders and bet up to two depending on odds.
11.I pay attention to fighters and flexible E's.
12.I study various race/ paace/ style combinations for further insight.. In particular I have been fascinated by mdn races.
13. 10 hrs.
hope this helps. I am willing to elaborate if asked.
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Old 01-07-2012, 01:27 AM   #9
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Matching Questions

1) Do you matchup using only raw pps?


2) Do you use software to help you match?

Only to confirm the results of matching.

3) Do you project a pace? If so how?

I project a 1st call regardless of distance. I am less vigilant about projecting the pace of the whole race.

4) Do you follow Hat's 5 step approach?

I project pace and I look at tandems. I mark the running styles of each horse. I look fo rrunning lines based on anticipated first call. I do not always match horses against each other.

5) Do you work 1 or 2 tracks at most or do you multi-track looking for plays?


6) Do you set days back restrictions on how far back in the pps to go looking to evaluate runners(if yes how many please)? Do you consider the ENTIRE pps of the horse?

No restriction on days back. I look at the entire PPs.

7) Do you focus and evaluate the horse coming out of the FPLR(fastest pace last race) in EVERY race worked? Do you know how to find the FPLR?

I haven't been very good about this. I know it is important.

8) Do you have a SURFACE preference(dirt,poly,turf) and or distance structure (sprint,route) that you focus on when matching races?

No preference.

9) Do you "SPOT PLAY" certain race types?

I spot play early horses that need the lead that are shortening up and sprinters stretching into a route.

10) Do you "pick" a winner then stick with him as the ONLY consideration or do you get a final "mix" of 2-3 contenders and look for value to make a WIN bet?

I pick a winner.

11) With "E" runners do you pay attention to those who are "FIGHTERS"?

Absolutely. Very important.

12) Do you keep records of ANY kind beside wagering ones? If yes which ones please

I'm a poor record keeper. I don't keep records.

13) How much time a week do you devote to matching races? Approximate

8 hours a week.

14) Do you break down a race into "Early" or "Other than Early" groupings?


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Old 01-08-2012, 10:00 AM   #10
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OK..I believe we got most of the matchers here...So what did this accomplish?

Never bet a favorite doing something for the first time-Harvey Pack
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