Thread: Equalizer
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Old 12-06-2018, 10:25 AM   #4
Ted Craven
Grade 1
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Originally Posted by CheckMark View Post
Not sure if this is suppose to go in this section but I want to ask a question about the software called Equalizer. I have gone back and forth with the guy who creates the software and he said he could tutor me for $10 a month. I am wanting to know does anyone have this software and how good is it? Thanks to all who reply.
Conley -

Just watch his videos! Then fire up RDSS (while you still can) and compare. Notice anything familiar? Or check his postings here at P&C.

He is a fan of Brohamer and MPH. Equalizer is based on the public domain Sartin Methodology of 25+ years ago, though I certainly give him credit for ability to program and his enthusiasm for racing. No disrespect is intended to him. Maybe his software has some useful nuances but here is not the forum to discuss that. It's not up to me to say that RDSS is better - I'll let others explain why it is.

You alone (and I) know why you have chosen not to work with RDSS, and instead continue seeking what you have already found. Your choices in this regard may seem all new to you, but believe me they are very common and I have seen it a hundred times. You get offered the key to the mint, but since you have not worked for it, not sweated for it, not stubbed your toe or shed some tears for it - you do not know the value of it.

And now - after having had hours of mentoring here by me, by Mick, by Lt1 and maybe others, and the promise of more free ongoing mentoring, free software, free data - after that in only the past few months, you again seek something new, someone new to mentor you, someone who themselves received mentoring by people on this board. I predict (like I predict the sun will rise in the east) that you'll continue doing this - without success - until you STOP the compulsion to find something NEW.

With such a compulsion (a very normal human behaviour, BTW, and not dishonourable), even when you find something useful (say, a handicapping program), you feel compelled to continue seeking an alternative to doing the HARD WORK (both analytically and more importantly: internally, emotionally, psychologically). But there is no alternative to facing the present reality, not in horse race handicapping nor in any aspect of living one's life: you have to do the HARD WORK, there is no such thing as 'grass is greener elsewhere'.

All this is presuming that RDSS is a functional tool for handicapping (and it is). Please separate any 'touting' of RDSS I may appear to do, from a behavioural observation I am trying to convey to you, and advice from having lived a while that I am trying to give (and have given in several emails before).

You are welcomed to discuss why you don't want to work with RDSS, what faults you find with it or with me or with others here. You have given your response about this on PaceAdvantage but I don't buy it in a heartbeat, not a bit of it. If you invite me to, I will share my opinion. But all this would only be useful to you IF it served as a form of 'whack upside the head' -- a way to realize that you run the risk of wasting your time for years seeking, seeking, seeking. Maybe you think you have years to waste.

Use Equalizer. Use RDSS. Use HTR or Jcapper or BLAM. Pick something and become a master of it.

You possibly think I'm being harsh on you. Probably your parents do think that about me. But there's no escaping who is responsible for your own success (at anything) - you look at him in the mirror everyday. I only wanted to help if you wanted to help yourself. Still do.

With respect,


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