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Old 06-07-2016, 06:32 PM   #3
Ted Craven
Grade 1
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Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada
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We've had many conversations and emails - you have come out swinging, and thanks for posting this, and congratulations! Very patient progress. I too initially cut my teeth on Thoromation, and loved it. I have to say that as Doc evolved to what became Validator (via Pacelauncher, Synthesis, etc) I found my choices became simpler and my game more focused. As it stands now, RDSS is more like Validator than like Thoromation (though, stay tuned ... ).

Just in case any of the folks at home have the same question I do - and perhaps it's just a typo - you say your ROI was about 22% and you bet $4 per race on 100 races, or $400. You won 35 of those at average of $14, so 35 x $14 = $490, or $90 profit on $400 bet ($490 - $400 = $90). $90 as a percentage of $400 is indeed about 22% as you say. Congratulations!

Is it possible you meant that your profit was about $90 rather than the $120 you stated, which would have rather been a ROI of about 30%? Anyway, a minor quibble (though confusing to me at first).

Welcome to the neighbourhood, and looking forward, like Dan, to your next $100. Do you have enough history yet to start to up those bets towards your normal bet size?

Take care,


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