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Old 08-07-2012, 02:32 PM   #16
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Ted Craven:

Please remember that in RDSS, the Adjusted times, AND all the velocities and subsequent factors which derive from them ARE NOT BEING RUN AT THE HOST TRACK (e.g. CT here) - THEY ARE BEING RUN AT A NORMALIZED, HYPOTHETICAL TRACK (call it Sartin Downs). CT (and each different distance at CT) has an inter-track differential from Sartin Downs, DMR has a different inter-track differential from Sartin Downs, so does Hastings and Evangeline and Boise, etc. We could adjust all the different tracks and distances to TODAY'S track instead of to the HYPOTHETICAL norm track - but we don't. Same difference, except when people look at an Adjusted Call times and say horses don't typically run that fast (or that slow, whichever) at that track. True - they don't, but they're not running (in the program readouts) at that track.

ALL the numbers, except the raw ones on the Original screen, relate to the matchup of horses running against each other today, and are equalized, normalized and adjusted to do just that. My understanding is that this has been Dr Sartin's approach since about the days of Energy! in the late 1980s, though perhaps not the specific approach of Purdy or Brohamer.

In my view, the Adjusted screen numbers are there to provide a continuity of flow showing how raw info (the Original screen) gets adjusted by your chosen adjustment settings, then becomes a source of input running times to derive velocity, then turns into all the various individual compounded factors, then line scores and odds line. In other words, a part of the progression from least adjusted (raw, Original Screen) to most adjusted (BL/BL Screen including V/DC).

From what it seems your saying is : The adjustments are used primarily in the process of equalizing the various RDSS screens.
However, the equalization screen by itself should not be used.
I'm assuming that the equalization factor is controlled by however the configuration setting is set up by the individual user.
If I so desired, I could completely eliminate the equalization factor in the configuration depending on how I set it up?
If that be the case, what would be the recommended configuration to do so? Would I have the option to completely eliminate the equalization screen?

Last edited by partsnut; 08-07-2012 at 02:34 PM.
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