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Old 12-11-2015, 12:09 PM   #3
Ted Craven
Grade 1
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Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada
Posts: 8,859
Hi Ted,

I sent in a pay pal for the $100 tonight. I have mentioned in a previous email that I am a novice handicapper to say the least. However, I have found that to almost be an advantage in that there is nothing to un-learn. Your software program took me a few days to actually learn how to use it, and I am still learning what all the relationships are between the numbers. But my paceline selection has been quite good thanks to the postings by Bill and other members of the forum which has made deciphering what happened (win or lose) after the race that much easier.

The one issue I am having is that I make poor money management decisions but I am only putting down $2 bets and finding what works for me, so it's not exactly like it hurts the pocketbook. But I still take the hit after a series of losses. Not putting down any money and making selections then watching live or the replay and checking results isn't the same learning experience for me. I envy those that can learn without losing actual money first. The Follow Up articles are helping with this but it's a process and 1000 pages of a PDF can't be absorbed in a few days.

Thank you for making such a good software program and I look forward to keep on learning. BTW, I founded a software company for teachers and students and being that my users are sometimes 9 years old, or more importantly that some teachers have the technology proficiency of a 9 year old the UX ['User eXperience']in my product is 2nd only to the software being able to do what is supposed to do. At first, I found RDSS to be a bit challenging but after almost a week I love that it takes some skill to use. I don't want anyone getting on and doing what I am doing, let them work for it

To wrap this up I hit 1/2 Doubles today playing $1 for a decent profit and 2/3 Pick 3's with a max of 4 horses in the Double and 6 horses in the Pick 3. I was only betting $1 each but nobody can become proficient overnight.

Thanks again,

PS. I was reading the posting by the user who was a developer that decided against using RDSS because he wanted more of a black box. That guy should realize if there were ever a black box in handicapping in any sport or game with odds that was commercially available it would drive down the odds so much that it would be almost a pointless endeavor.

Racing Decision Support System™
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