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Old 02-15-2009, 08:09 AM   #5
Bill V.
The egg man
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The Book

Good Morning Rich and Budman and Barb

Thank You for the nice words.
Our table of good people grows.

Yes the book is coming from my heart. So much has been given to me
I know that it has affected so many others

Friends helping friends. A little slogan, Just a little thought that was scribbled on a napkin. A place to meet in the quiet time after the work and noise of the day. A friendly table with a beer or a soda or coffee.
Just sitting back and talking. This is when the positive wins of the day, and or the setbacks and near misses are reflected on. Not so much dwelling on them, this is not the time and place for negatives. No not with your friend. Not with people you come to think of as brothers. Not when you see in their eyes and body language the pain after a loss. Especially when you watch them when they are working alone accross the room. When you see the joy of wins and the pride when they win. These are people you care about because they are motivated to win. These are friends who strive to live life as a winner. We are not the big mouths type. We are users of a methodology that teaches us to get the winner on the track But also the one in our heart and mind. We show it and carry it into our off the track lives. Each one of us has the winner inside. When you’re with friends who care about your success you work harder. After you have done your own thing.
You have worked the race through your own pace line and contender selection methods. To win is a wonderful thing. Nobody always wins.
If your losing so much that you say “I always lose" you can sit at the table with winners but don't expect them to change you. Don't think they will come down to your level. If you want to win your going to have to do it in a way that you find works best for you. Until you believe in yourself and your method You will never get it in your heart and mind. There is a table for winners. And it’s a table big enough for whoever wants to join us. When you sit at our table you will hear stories and tips and you will know if you belong Its not much more than just a discussion, a friendly ear to build up the positive talent each winner possesses. The chance to have that is what it’s all about. Talking over with friends afterwards. Asking questions about what Doc has written in his Follow Up and manuals. What was meant in a seminar audio tape? Who knew that there were so many of us? This world that we each work alone in but share a common goal, we have a place. Doc and his trusted and loyal assistance and teachers build us a methodology. You are very welcome to join in.
The book will be awesome Its the Sartin Methodology and what it can do

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