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Old 01-03-2012, 02:30 PM   #8
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Toronto Ont. Canada
Posts: 21

happy new year richie:

my feedback:
1.only raw pp's,with some manual adjustments
2. no software.
3.yes I project a pace using the fastest first call lead fastest 2nd call off the first call and the fastest final off the first two.
4.yes. mostly follow the 5 step.
5. I work 2 tracks generally.
6.entire PP's except if there is a one year gap.
7.I look carefully at the fastest last pace if it is a dream( within 5 lengths at all calls). I compare fraction by fraction with the paceline for horses close to the pace. surface preference or distance preference, but I am careful not to use lines at suspect distances .(for sprints, as an example, I am reluctant to use 5f and 5.5f lines)
9.yes, spot plays of my own making.
10.I look for price in top 3 contenders and bet up to two depending on odds.
11.I pay attention to fighters and flexible E's.
12.I study various race/ paace/ style combinations for further insight.. In particular I have been fascinated by mdn races.
13. 10 hrs.
hope this helps. I am willing to elaborate if asked.
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