Thread: New Laptop
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Old 07-20-2010, 10:15 AM   #11
alydar_ David
Grade 1
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 2,654
I looked at so many computers my head began to spin and had to take a break. Finally, someone I know who owns a computer repair shop turned me on to a good deal.

He suggested buying an msi computer. I'd never heard of them. He said they make motherboards and are breaking into the laptop market. Consequently their laptops are priced below the competition.

Here's what I got:

Intel Core 2 Duo CPU T6600@ 2.20GHz x 2 = 4.2 Windows Experience Index
RAM 4.0 GB (3.25 GB usable)
Windows 7
32-bit Operating System
HDMI 16:9 Theater Display
Webcam & Mike
Wireless LAN
Card Reader
Color Film Print
NVIDIA GeForce 8200m G

He said it would probably work well for my needs. So far so good. My only complaint is the inferior sound quality from the laptop itself. However, with headphones on or external speakers hooked up it sounds great.

The video display is outstanding.

And you can't beat the price. $600!
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