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Old 10-25-2006, 06:09 PM   #27
Grade 1
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Originally Posted by Bill Lyster View Post

In my original analysis I considered the 1a because of lines from Monmouth. I thought that it was a two turn mile track. Is this correct? In any event I will definitely get a list of 2 and 1 turn tracks for future use.

My question: Early Sartin cautioned the comparison of 1 and 2 turn mile times because of the longer straight run before the 6f time. If I remember correctly the 1 turn miles had 6f times about 5 ticks faster and final times about 8 ticks faster.

Does Jim factor any of this into the comparative process and if so, how?

Great write-ups Richie, keep up the good work.

Hi Bill
what Jim teaches is to look in the form for horses that have raced at both 1 and 2 turn routes. From that he makes a comparison on the times. So YES he definitely does do some comparing.

"Grampy I'm talking to you!"
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