Thread: Contest Rules
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Old 04-05-2020, 12:49 PM   #1
The Pook
Grade 1
Join Date: Feb 2014
Location: Loretto, Ontario Canada
Posts: 2,573
Contest Rules

Entry fee is $10 USD minimum. The pot as of April 22 stands at $550 USD. It will be split 70/30 to the first and second place finishers. Anybody can join anytime as long as they are able to meet the minimum level of play. To do this all players should be active by early May or so, however that would require playing every race from then onward.

People not wishing to play and who are following along, are welcome to throw in $10 (minimum) to the pot as a sort of entertainment fee. This might help get some contestants who aren't interested in playing for peanuts to join up.

All money committed can be transferred via PayPal to the winner at the end of the contest.

Contest will end May 30 2020 but could end sooner if all tracks close and none reopen by that date. Only those having played a minimum of 30% at any point will be considered for the prize. Even a player with the worst record could win if that player was the only one at 30% or better. So judge your play accordingly.

1. Minimum number of races to enter is 30% of total posted.
2. You can play as many as you want.
3. Winner with best ROI wins.
4. Races can be posted by me any day but not necessarily everyday. So stay
tuned. One or two races a day, maybe three. Races posted will most likely be towards late afternoon EDT so contestants have time to play.
5. Post one or two horses to win and or place with mythical $2 bets. Minimum bet
then would be $2 and maximum $8.
6. Post selections only in the daily thread. All selections must be supported by some documentation. Pictures or a few words. No numbers only!
7. Post by post time, not contingent on odds. If you are concerned about odds
wait until they are loading, but the time stamp can't be later than the off time.
8. If a horse is scratched, it is scratched. No alternatives.
9. Results will be tracked and standings posted regularly.
10. Payout maximum of $20 for win and $10 for place.


Last edited by The Pook; 04-22-2020 at 09:46 AM.
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