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Old 03-20-2020, 05:31 PM   #31
barb craven
Grade 1
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Bobcaygeon,On,Canada
Posts: 1,310
I, for one, am taking this very seriously. Even though I've led a good long life (86 almost years) I would still like to stick around a little longer. Up where I live we are taking this virous extremely seriously. Libraries and schools have been closed since the first week in March. All non-essential businesses have been closed for the past week until further notice; all gatherings, no matter the number, have been cancelled for the past few weeks, restaurants are open for a few hours a day for pre-ordered take out only, grocery stores are on fewer hours, with the first hour of the day for seniors only; (we are lucky that they are able to keep their shelves about 70% stocked). I have been staying at home, only going out for walks and to pharmacy which remains open, but after listening to the link I am posting below and watching a video that Alison's sister who lives in Rome posted on her FB timeline today of army vehicles travelling the streets of Rome full of bodies they were transporting to the crematorium, I have decided to limit myself to on-line and phone contacts for the duration.

Duration, now that's a word I haven't used in this context since I was a child during the 2nd World War. Whenever we asked adults how much longer it was going to last, the reply was always "for the duration". Please, please my friends, heed all the warnings so we will indeed be able to meet again at Saratoga, if not this year, maybe next.
Listen...Learn...Stay Safe.
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