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Old 11-03-2019, 12:07 PM   #25
always learning
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Originally Posted by Dorianmode View Post
Here is Bill's file with the filtering functions corrected, I think.
The formula for counting only visible filtered rows is very complicated. I'll keep my eye open for a simpler one that takes up less memory.
In order to upload it, I had to lop off all the extra rows at the bottom. But if you add rows in the normal way, it will still work, and the programming ranges will update automatically with the extra row numbers.

Bill, if you want me to fix the red and green and yellow colors in all the races, if that's helpful, it would be very easy to do.

So, sorry about this, but there is an error in the programming here. In the row which says "% ranked #5+", it's actually giving you the % ranked 6 and above. The number in the formula (towards the end) should be ">4", not ">5". >5 gives you 6 and above, not 5 and above. You can fix this easily by changing the first of these columns, in a column with data, replacing the 5 with a 4 .... and dragging it across, or ... if anyone is actually using this sheet, and this information, and wants that done and posted, I can post a corrected version.

Thanks again to Bill V for sharing all this great information and doing all the work of putting it in one place. The information here is (literally) worth a fortune.

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