Thread: Contest Theory
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Old 03-19-2019, 09:29 AM   #7
Grade 1
Join Date: Nov 2014
Location: The Villages, Fl.
Posts: 3,706
Good stuff Jeebs and enjoying your posts. Your correct in that there is many similarities to Texas Hold Them & poker.

In any short contest of a one day event there isn't much time to adjust and you can quickly be taken out of your game. With a three day event one can stick to their game plan longer.

It pays to save a bullet for the last race as some run out of ammo early. Out of 5 events I was 6th in one and 7th in another. At that point you must make a decision to try to pad your score and get a payoff ( top 5) or go for the win. Both times I went for the win. I figured there are many contest to come as its early in the year so go for it, additionally both of the last races were ugly type race so they set up for a killer price. Its surprising funny how the most ugly race the public will pick a favorite and it'll win. Perhaps inside money.

There is definitely a learning curve to contests verses regular play. No matter how ugly a horse is and a bomb wins there are several that have it. You are correct in that its a game changer. Especially if its early in the contest, if it comes late there isn't much one can do about it as there aren't many races or choices left.

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