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Old 05-03-2017, 08:04 AM   #10
Grade 1
Join Date: Nov 2014
Location: The Villages, Fl.
Posts: 3,706
One thing I learned in 20 years of service in the Army is that theory and demonstrated performance are entirely two different things. Its like a new Lt. coming from West Point, brilliant mind and education however has two left feet and couldn't find his way out of a wet paper bag. With time, training and the correct guidance and tools some go on to become great leaders and Generals.

As the review said; " he admits himself, his fundamental formula of gambling has not made him rich." His theories have yet to be proven. Where does that leave us? It leaves us with the proven theories of Sartin concepts which evolved over many thousands of races and years of testing.

The Sartin road isn't a smooth journey and like the Bataan Death March many along the way fall by the wayside. However its theories have been proven and no others have surpassed it. Its an earned degree that still requires proper application and experience to rid oneself of two left feet and obtain demonstrated performance.

My journey took many years before that light bulb got turned on. Sartin's brilliant mind was able to read others theories and relate that to horseracing such as Entropy. Obviously an exceptional individual that few can duplicate. Grasping that relationship to horseracing he then proved those theories through years of testing.

Unless you have a brilliant mind like a Sartin or Bradshaw and are ready to test those theories over many years and thousands of races the answers aren't contained in books of theory. No the answers are all contained within the Sartin writing and teachings which now are all consolidated in RDSS. He has cleared the road of obstacles and mines for us.


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