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Old 03-28-2017, 04:04 PM   #12
Grade 2
Join Date: Sep 2015
Posts: 97
Hi Jeebs, wanna throw a couple thoughts out at you.

Regardless of your outcome…you got a lot of action off your initial $20. That’s important I think. You’re willingness to bet the majority of your buy-in on the first race makes me think you’re not really risk-averse. Fortunately it hit! Great! as there is inherent risk to this endeavor. Gotta break some eggs to make an omelet. Gotta stand in there and take your cuts. Whatever verbiage you like. I also look at it as if I golfed I’d have to pay for the clubs, stylish clothes, green fees, etc. All we need is a $2 download and an old computer. Or, pencil and paper.

I’m with you as far as family and a job. Granted, I’m self-employed and have a very flexible work schedule, but I gotta work sometime nonetheless.

With that said, may I recommend hitting some night racing. Try a few out and you may find a couple tracks you just “take to” for whatever the reason. TP (mercifully nearly over) and MNR haven’t worked out for me. Maybe they do/will for you. Never really wanted to play the tiny tracks (DD, CT). I used to play TP a lot 20-25 years ago (prior to family) with success. However, now it appears most of the races are CL5 and there’s nowhere to go up or down in the class structure. Never played MNR before last year but appears to be a lot of CL5 races. Believe me, I don’t mind cheap races, I just want some variation in the class structure. Sorry, I digress. I say all that to get to EVD and PID will start up in April and May respectively. IND has afternoon post through the week but 6:05 post on Saturdays. WO races at night on Wednesday. You will avoid having to play during work. Perhaps cap the races the evening before and play them the following evening.

Lastly, it appears as though you played day after day after day. While you didn’t bet every race you were still looking at them. Thinking about them. I find I do better when I play less (relative term). That’s a challenge as I a) like action and b) like the process of looking at races and attempting to predict the future. But I think for most (certainly there are some on P&C that this is simply not true) there comes a point of diminishing returns. Maybe make something of a schedule of when you play. Regardless of when, structure your play so that you are rested and can see the vulnerable favorites with the big overlays (bet hard), see when you’re not going to beat the chalk (bet it or pass), or see when you really have no idea what’s gonna happen.

Anyway, good luck and thanks for sharing your experience.
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