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gillb 12-21-2019 12:55 PM

TPR ratings and adjustments
If only.. I could see as part of RDSS2 ... the basic Trackmaster PP's.
It would make it easier to work with TPR's in RDSS2.
Comments would be greatly appreciated and new ideas.

Mitch44 12-21-2019 02:49 PM

Hello gillb:

I'm not familiar with the basic TrackMaster PP's and only the ones from TrackMaster that are a part of RDSS2.

The TrackMaster PP's within RDSS2 were specifically designed by Sartin due to space limitations at the time. His main reason for going with TrackMaster was they accompanied him with his own specifics as to how a variant was applied / obtained whereas other services would not, he also believed theirs (others) adjustments were flawed such as beaten lengths etc.

The TPR's within RDSS2 are easy to work with because there is enough information on the original screen to understand and work the TPR rating. Such as distance, surface etc.

Don't expect to get the same TPR rating that came with Phase 1 or from the book Pace Makes the Race. He later came up with a more accurate formula for beaten lengths and other adjustments for distance and different tracks. Most just don't get this point. There are no better TPR rating than those within the present RDSS2 program.

I agree that the PP's within the program are indeed lacking which is why I supplement them with Bris PP's which I get for free. When you have a problem figure out a way to work around it. The Bris PP's are by far superior to the RDSS2 TrackMaster PP's.

Lastly let me say that TPR's are good but not the best Factor or readout within RDSS. They are an excellent starting point to began analysis of a race but not the end all. They are where I always start my analysis. There are many nuances to this screen but most only look at the final TPR to be the end all, which it is not. Collect your own data based on your contenders and pace lines to find out which factors produce the most winners, prices, place horses etc. These (best factors)really aren't a secret but most can only rely on something they can comprehend. AS Sartin says "You don't need to know the formula, only that it works." Get over it and use the best or most effective readouts within the program. I have absolutely no mercy for those who insist on using old outdated programs or won't work to find out things. If anything was worth retaining from those old programs than it is within RDSS2.PERIOD!!! Edited by Bill V Comments about picking noses and cat litter would never appear in the Follow-up


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