Pace and Cap  - Sartin Methodology & The Match Up

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Ted Craven 04-07-2010 03:46 PM

Pace and Cap / Sartin Methodology Weekend at Saratoga 2010
Hello All!

Announcing this years gathering at Saratoga - August 20, 21, 22! That's a Friday to a Sunday, including our tradition of attending the Alabama Stakes on Saturday.

We've booked 4 tables per day this year in the Festival Tent, so that's room for 16 - 20 people at once. Google has been good to us this year (all those little ads you see...;) ) so the cost of tables is covered.

We're also trying to organize a seminar/workshop at a location in Saratoga, likely for the Friday evening, with tentative presentations from a few individuals who you know and want to learn from! More details once that is finalized.

Come one, come all! If you're in Saratoga anyway, drop by over the 3 days and say hello! If you need a place to hang out for 3 days - we've got you covered (and sometimes we sneak into the grandstands and sit with friendly season ticket-holders :) ).

Looking forward to seeing old faces and meeting new friends!



pktruckdriver 05-06-2010 09:58 PM

Well God is smiling on me as I have made it to Saratoga and found a job here, and a weekly motel for now, so come August I will be waiting for you'all to show up, till then best of luck.


atkinsrr 05-09-2010 08:59 PM

Hey Ted, how about a workshop/gathering at Churchill Downs for Breeders Cup week
or next years Ky Derby.......Randy A.

Ted Craven 05-11-2010 02:28 PM


That's 'a consummation devoutly to be desired', as a man once said... Perhaps that's possible - I've never been to Churchill Downs or Louisville. Hey, still trying to work out Saratoga and (hopefully) Del Mar details, so, the immediate road ahead...then maybe the twin spires!



tazzerbobo 07-24-2010 09:36 AM

I'm in Saratoga for the entire meeting. Should you need any leg work done to help setting up the "conference" drop me a line.


Ted Craven 07-26-2010 11:48 AM


Looks the hotel is doing most of the setup which is pretty simple anyway. But I'll appreciate a few hands late afternoon Friday to help organize things when I head downtown to the seminar room. Let's connect Friday at the tent tables, or shoot me your phone # by PM or email.

Will be good to see you again. Is SaratogaDon with you again this year?


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