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Ted Craven 12-03-2012 06:17 PM

A series of 7 Contests to crown the 'Player of the Year' 2013
Once again, RDSS is the overall Series sponsor of the Challenge Series of 7 Handicapping Contests (P.A.C.S.). This year the grand prize awarded to the Player of the Year (POY) is an all expense paid seat at the Horse Player World Series in at the Coast Casinos Las Vegas, February 2014, valued at $2500.

RDSS, as Series Sponsor is contributing $1500 in cash prizes and over $4200 in RDSS Data and software prizes.

To learn more about this Contest Series, please go --> here. To participate, you need to be a member of please go here to register.

For those of you who may not be familiar, PaceAdvantage (PA) is a general purpose, though nominally pace-oriented, horse-racing bulletin board with a large membership. Many people there will have at least heard of the Sartin Methodology, many are long-time practitioners to one degree or another and many are seriously interested in improving their game. And importantly, also newcomers seeking to learn the basics. For all these reasons, it makes sense for me to continue to promote RDSS to this wider audience and, well, actions speak louder than words!

RDSS Prizes

This year, the way I am handing out RDSS Data and subscription prizes is a little different. Instead of 'Contest winner gets the prize' (which in 2012 resulted in about only half the prizes being taken, not surprising since many of the winners will have their own existing tried-and-true methods and 'why mess with success', etc) - in 2013 you enter a draw for 2 RDSS Unlimited Data prizes each Contest.

If you want to try RDSS, and if you enter and complete one of the 7 Contests according to its rules, you also enter a draw by signing a Public Poll for each Contest. 2 RDSS 60 day Unlimited Data prizes in each Contest are drawn at random from the Poll entrants (regardless of how you finished in the Contest). If you don't win the prizes in one Contest, you are automatically entered again into the draw in the subsequent Contests - so the more Contests you participate in and enter the RDSS prize draw - the more accumulated chances you have to win a RDSS prize and the better the odds are of winning the draw as time goes on.

Contest Schedules

The first event is the annual Aqueduct Inner Track 'Riders Up' Pick 4 weekend Contest, starting the first weekend of the Aqueduct Inner meet (i.e. very soon).

The next event is the annual Team Competition (PaceAdvantage Inter-Board Handicapping League, or PAIHL), beginning the first Saturday after New Years. Last year, 6 RDSS Teams participated and 2 of them made it to the Finals. Those interested in forming 3 person teams, should begin the process of renewing your teams or forming new ones, then register your team and sign-in at --> here.

The annual Sartin/Bradshaw Memorial 'Road to the Roses' Contest begins in March and ends in late April, consisting of a series of Kentucky Derby prep stakes. RDSS is sponsoring this Contest directly with $500 in cash prizes to the Top 3 finishers (plus the usual draw for Data prizes).

For a complete list of all the 7 Contests and full details, please go --> here.

If you enjoy Contest play, I would like to encourage you to consider participating in one or more of these, regardless of whether you use RDSS or whether you use any other Sartin-type approach.
I appreciate that if you yourself enjoy using RDSS, it is not your concern if anyone else also uses RDSS - but it is important to me, and it was important to Doc Sartin that those who sincerely wanted to master this game and in the process develop winning life skills be able to learn how to do that. Developing, supporting, evolving RDSS and this PaceandCap website is now my only livelihood (along with some betting) and the only way all of you will continue to enjoy using this tool long into the future is if I can make it at least a moderately successful business for me. To do this, among other things, I need a few more customers, and those potential customers need to know and see that success is possible at horse race betting using these very tools which you now enjoy and prosper from. That is why I am seeking exposure by sponsoring Contests on a rather public website and encouraging everyone to 'show the flag' as it were.
Don't worry - there will not be thousands of RDSS users, this I do guarantee. Doc Sartin once stated a goal to foster 1000 successful handicappers/bettors and I'm not sure if he ever achieved 2/3rds of that goal - but that would be about all I would ever want to handle - or allow.

If anyone has any questions about how to join in these Contests, please just post a message below to get help.

I just want to give a shout out to everyone who has chosen (and been able to) sign up with the Players Organization and ADW we are affiliated with offering amazing rebates on your betting handle, along with a superior set of wagering tools (Dutch betting, conditional wagers, file uploads, live video and video replays, etc). The commissions received from this Organization have provided 100% of he $1500 cash I am able to offer to the PACS Contests, as well as a goodly portion of the Cash prizes in the ongoing RDSS Learn to Win Contests this year here at PaceandCap. For more information, read this first, then write or call me for more information.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the 2012 Contests and welcome again everyone who started out at PaceAdvantage and learned more about RDSS as a result of those Contests. Wishing everyone a wonderful year in 2013 - much success handicapping and betting, and much health and joy in all aspects of life!


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