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Ted Craven 08-26-2016 04:39 PM

Bugs List!
1 Attachment(s)
Here is a list of known Bugs which are pending being fixed. Please report any new bugs in this Thread. A Bug is an error message or some kind of mis-behaviour - something which really should not happen in reasonable use. First check to see if the potential Bug is already listed here. I will list which bugs have been corrected in subsequent updates.

If you find a new Bug, please describe it in as much detail as you can, including context such as what you were doing, what you were trying to accomplish, etc.

If its not a Bug but rather a behaviour or feature you would like to see, please submit this instead in the Suggestions Thread! I'll see what I can do, prioritize the important ones, and comment as best I can :)

The Bug List will be continually updated in Post #2 below.


Ted Craven 08-26-2016 04:44 PM

Listing of Known Bugs (or mis-behaviours ;) ).

1. When you first install RDSS 2.1 and enter your TrackMaster UID/PWD in the Registration screen then click Update Registration Info and receive a success message (i.e. you entered a valid TrackMaster UID/PWD) - even VALID UID/PWDs are not recognized at first when you go to Download in the Data Centre. Instead -- you must first restart RDSS.

2. RDSS freezes/crashes after assembling more than 1 card of races (sometimes between 2 and 3 cards, depending on total number of horses across all races). Essentially, it runs out of memory :(.

Workaround: assemble each card in a separate instance of RDSS. While the first card is assembling, right-click on the Windows Taskbar icon for Rdss2.1 and open another instance. Assemble the next card in the new running instance. And on and on. You should be able to get about 5 copies of RDSS running, all assembling different cards at the same time.

3. Horses displayed in Analysis screens switch around by themselves! When running with a toteboard connection and one races is declared official and moves to the next race, the race you may be watching shows the horses from that new race (as prompted by the toteboard's moving to the next race). This does not happen if you are NOT connected to the Supertote toteboard.

Workaround: Per Mick's observation - simply just refresh the Analysis screen you're looking at by switching away then switching back.

4. When you open a race from the MyRaces Card Summary display, particularly (possibly) when you have engaged the filter tools to get a subset of all available races - the race you click on in either the Sidebar or the main (right-side) race listing sometimes does not open up the correct race.

Warning: when opening up a race this way, double-check the race header to be sure you got the race you were expecting.

5. The 'dominant Early horse' marker (red underline and right-triangle marker on Original and Segments screens for positionally Early horse - F / E / EP - who owns the 0.0 on F1 and 2nd Call Segments) - does not always work correctly.

Refer to:

6. Sometimes the Data Centre Convert process toes not completely or correctly complete the Convert of the raw downloaded Trackmaster data ZIP file to the RDSS database. For example, sometimes a horse's pacelines are all missing, sometimes designating them as FTS, or other goofy displays which are obviously incorrect. I will add an internal check for things I can check before calling the Convert process complete and successful (e.g. and automatically re-do the Convert to see if that helps).

Note: you CAN reliably create such an incomplete, screwed up Convert yourself -- just interrupt the Convert process for a card while it is running (and ignore the warning message that the card was likely not completely and properly Converted, and please UNCHECK Don't Duplicate and try it again ... ). Conversely, if this does happen to you - just follow that advice!

Refer to:

7. Entries Screen: shifts right-ward by certain unwanted keystrokes, leaving some of the left-side of the screen hidden.
Workaround: click on another Race-level Tab, then click back on the Entries Tab.

Refer to:

8. Data Centre error messages: Some of the TrackMaster related error messages which RDSS fails to interpret properly (per this long-standing bug FAQ: still persist. Example: when you specify an incorrect TrackMaster UID/PWD, or your credit card is expired. (I thought I had fixed all those ... :()

Workaround: make sure you have the correct UID/PWD, and that your credit card info is up to date! Otherwise, refer to the complete discussion in the above FAQ.

mick 08-28-2016 10:03 AM

Program freezing
Hi, Ted. We've discussed this before but I'll add it to the list and make it "official." :)

When assembling multiple cards, the program will freeze. I can usually get through two cards before it freezes on the third card. There have been occasions when playing 2-3 tracks that it's exhibited the same behavior. Then I have to open Task Master, shut RDSS down and bring it back up again. (Fortunately, it retains the BRIS Supertote and TwinSpires ProfitLine connections.)


mick 08-28-2016 10:28 AM

Horses change suddenly
This occurs when I'm playing multiple tracks, e.g. Saratoga and Finger Lakes. I'm looking at the horses for Saratoga and they are suddenly replaced by the horses running in the next race at Finger Lakes.

The work-around is easy - just click on an Analysis tab and I'm back to the Saratoga horses that I was looking at. A minor bug.


mowens33 08-29-2016 10:16 AM

Race Card sort issue:
1 Attachment(s)
Saratoga 8/28/16

Ted, I was playing around with the sort feature on the race card screen, I generated a sort for CL, MC, MS only. The 1st race was a CL_6.5F but when I looked at the PP I got the 2nd race PP, when I looked at the 2nd race I had the 5th race PP. The 6th 7th 8th and 11th were correct
When I did a refresh on the 1st and 2nd I get the correct PP’s.

Depending on the sort It look to me that it’s trying to keep some semblance of order?


mowens33 08-29-2016 10:21 AM

Race Card sort issue:
Race Card sort issue:

Saratoga 8/28/16

Ted, I was playing around with the sort feature on the race card screen, I generated a sort for CL, MC, MS only. The 1st race was a CL_6.5F but when I looked at the PP I got the 2nd race PP, when I looked at the 2nd race I had the 5th race PP. The 6th 7th 8th and 11th were correct.

When I did a refresh on the 1st and 2nd I get the correct PP’s.

Depending on the sort It look to me that it’s trying to keep some semblance of order?


mowens33 08-30-2016 09:31 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Ted, this is another example from tomorrows Woodbine Card.
Sort 8F and 8.5F
Race 7 has Race 2 enters
Thanks, Mike

Ted Craven 08-31-2016 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by mowens33 (Post 105524)
Ted, this is another example from tomorrows Woodbine Card.
Sort 8F and 8.5F
Race 7 has Race 2 enters
Thanks, Mike


1. From your screens, I don't understand the SEQUENCE of events which lead you to clicking on one race in the Sidebar, yet getting a different race in the right-side window. I have tried to duplicate both the example you show, and a number of other tests where I filtered the initial set of races to a subset, then clicked on members of that subset in the left Sidebar. Everything worked as advertised. Which makes it difficult to correct errors (i.e. if everything works fine).

2. I only suggested comparing a FUTURE Race Cards by Date Sidebar which looks kind of like the existing MyRaces Sidebar for Pook to get a flavour of where I was heading. However, there are a number of issues and enhancements to that mechanism which I need to flesh out. For APPEARANCE, and ease of navigation without that bottom row of removed race tabs - this mechanism is where we're headed.

3. When I start to flesh out the Sidebar, if it still misbehaves for you, we can connect computers for you to show me. it could be a sequence of actions which I do not use which results in the problem.

4. Meanwhile - I suggest you use the MyRaces filter to FIND the races you are interested in, then switch back to Race Cards by Date to actually open them. (And certainly, to Assemble All - per Bug #2 - MyRaces will crash pretty quickly after Assembling more than about 15 or so races at once).


The Pook 09-07-2016 09:20 AM

3 Attachment(s)
Ted, most of the time but not always, when going to a new race the race is laid out as shown below. Half the screen to the left of the BLBL column is hidden whether I am displaying the bar on the left or not. I mentioned this once before and you said the way to correct this is to click on the screen and arrow left. The screen does move to the right and all is well.

What I don't understand is why I have to keep correcting. This happens in both versions of RDSS 2. It is an extra annoying step when I am in a hurry. Maybe there is a configuration I haven't set up properly?


The Pook 10-02-2016 07:10 PM

When importing information with the Profitline button and the Mutuel Prices button after the days races, all changes to the races are made except changes to surface and (if necessary distance) when an off track. You have to watch for that and make the updates manually.


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