Pace and Cap  - Sartin Methodology & The Match Up

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John Farraro 09-11-2012 12:22 PM

Re: Sept. 10 scoring
Bill Sorry your still having some difficulties with the scoring... Is there any we can do to make this any easier? If so...Just let us know. I think Im speaking for the rest of the contestants also.

Regards John F

Bill V. 09-11-2012 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by John Farraro (Post 83947)
Bill Sorry your still having some difficulties with the scoring... Is there any we can do to make this any easier? If so...Just let us know. I think Im speaking for the rest of the contestants also.

Regards John F

Thanks John

I appreciate your offer, I will be fine ( I hope) I'm thinking that maybe I need
an assitant. Maybe somebody can take over the scoring
on alternate days I probably can handle Tues and Thursday, as they are light days Saturday ,Sunday is fine for me cause I have extra time and I'm at the race book were I can see just about every race on the monitors so I don't fall too far behind
Maybe a helper on Monday, Weds and Friday would keep me out of the
mental ward


John Farraro 09-12-2012 02:45 PM

Reply to Assistant Post
I am available on Monday, Wedsday and usually on Fridays (sometimes my wife has other plans for me rather than horses. But shes a player herself... so she understands. I suggest that I try a day...say Monday and see how I do. of course you can score that day also just to be sure I know what Im doing. If I do OK then I can try another day and so on till I accumulate the skills required to be as accurate a you. If I dont exhibit any talent in the scoring game then Ill quit and maybe someone else can step in a give you a hand. For that matter, maybe someone can join in and lend a hand at the same time Im trying out. This is just a suggestion....if it doesnt grab you, make a counter suggestion ....Im all ears. Maybe another contestant has some thoughts on how to reduce the pressure on you. Another thought occured to me. after examining many of posts the during the August contest, perhaps a more formalized format of posting bets might help. What ever that format might be is really up to you, but if it was the same for all the players EVERY TIME you wouldnt have search the post for the important information. That is..the date, track.race, horse(s) number bet size , etc would be in the same place on the post everytime. It might save you little time. Again, this is just a suggestion...maybe some of the other contestants have some thoughts. Regards John

Bill V. 09-12-2012 03:23 PM

Hi John

I sent you a Private Message

Probably a good way to get started would be if you and maybe others down the road, could keep track of a days races
and then send me a end of the day report with information I need to
fill in the score card

What I would need is
1. The track. The race number, the amount bets and the bet types
2. The win and place price for the winner and place horse
3. I would need you to varify the race was posted 1 full minute before the
offical off time of the race
4. I would need you to check the final odds of the posted selections
and if there were any scratches

I would ask that all this information be emailed to me as early the following day as possible

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