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CheckMark 08-04-2023 02:36 PM

2023 NFL Season Contest-Signup
Hey everyone, I hope you're all doing well! I wanted to see if anyone here is interested in joining this year's football contest. It's going to be a lot of fun, and we have some really cool prizes lined up. Let me know if you're interested and I'll provide you with all the details. Looking forward to hearing from everyone!

Please put your name below and if you have any suggestions on new ideas for this year (unless everyone is good with the format from last year) please let me know!

Thanks :D

CheckMark 08-04-2023 02:38 PM


I am attending college in the Fall and will be focusing on school for the most part, so I will try my best to get the odds/results up for each week. Thank you for being so understanding on this issue.

If anyone wanted to help with the scoring or anything else, I would appreciate it just in case I needed time off from school. :thumb:

CheckMark 08-04-2023 02:44 PM

This year I will be getting the VegasInsider Consensus Line vs the other source I got last year. I found that the VI line was closer to the game timeline vs my other source was a few #ers off, and typically had some errors.

The lines for each week will be posted on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning.

I will be taking everyone's ideas (if they have any) and making a decision on what the rules for the 2023 contest will be.

I would like to do the same exact format as last year, but then again it's always nice to switch things up to make it more FUN!

The prize amount I think will stay the same unless we get a kind contributor for a bigger prize (which would make the stakes higher) but I am happy to put out my own money (USD!) for the contest again.

teb21 08-04-2023 08:58 PM

I am in. It makes no difference what the rules are I can pick losers.

teb21 08-05-2023 06:32 PM

Your education takes priority over this. If it becomes a burden skip the week or end the contest. This is just for fun. Your education is for real.

CheckMark 08-06-2023 02:31 PM

You are right. I just wanted to continue the tradition of another contest here for the sports enthusiasts like myself. It brings me joy knowing that I can do this for everyone here including Bill V who was technically the 1st Sports monitor on here.

If I don't get at least 5-7 people, I probably won't do the contest this year as it's not worth it posting if no one is interested.

ranchwest 08-06-2023 02:47 PM

I'd like to participate. Last year I ended up in the hospital for a couple of months and didn't do very well. I'd like to redeem myself. I have another set of health problems right now, but I hope to be well before the season begins.

CheckMark 09-05-2023 09:38 AM

Dear Sports Enthusiasts of this forum:

I have decided not to move forward with the contest this year. I know this may be unfortunate for a few of you here, but I am doing it since I would like to focus on my studies vs. doing the contest right now.

I tried to see if I could fit posting/updating the contest each week into my schedule, but I did not find time.

I hope everyone understands the situation that I am in, so I thank you for your support. I do appreciate it big time.

Have a great football season, everyone, and I hope I can bring the contest back next year.

Thank you :)

teb21 09-05-2023 08:34 PM

The contest was always just for fun. While I can bet on sports where I live I do not. There is a lot of talk now about work - life balance: work - life - school balance is more important. Look look forward to some future date when I will have the opportunity of going from first to worst. Good Luck. Ted

teb21 09-07-2023 03:25 PM

I know that there is no contest this year. I have decided to post anyway just for fun. I would encourage everyone to post selections and keep your own score. There are no prizes to be awarded just the satisfaction of competing. Week 1 0-0-0 Baltimore Ravens -10

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